Reserved seating for your family
At least one Aliyah per family member per year Reduced pricing on rental of Synagogue facilities for personal events Reduced pricing on community events 24/7 access to rabbinic counseling, visitation, and meetings A place to call Home, and so much more!
Reserved seating At least one Aliyah per year Reduced pricing on rental of Synagogue facilities for personal events Reduced pricing on community events 24/7 access to rabbinic counseling, visitation, and meetings A place to call Home, and so much more! FOUNDER: $5,000 Reserved seating for your family At least one Aliyah per family member per year Reduced pricing on rental of Synagogue facilities for personal events Reduced pricing on community events 24/7 access to rabbinic counseling, visitation, and meetings One Deluxe Shabbat Kiddush per year Grand Recognition in all CEV marketing materials A place to call Home, and so much more! BENEFACTOR: $3,000 Reserved seating for your family At least one Aliyah per family member per year Reduced pricing on rental of Synagogue facilities for personal events Reduced pricing on community events 24/7 access to rabbinic counseling, visitation, and meetings One Deluxe Shabbat Kiddush per year Special Recognition in all CEV marketing A place to call Home, and so much more! Sign up now by clicking here . Or mail in your membership/partnership check to: Chabad of the East Valley, 875 N. McClintock Dr., Chandler, Arizona 85526. With your commitments of membership we will be able to continue to grow and flourish and continue to transform community, hearts and lives. With your continued support even the sky is not the limit! |