In a continued effort to enhance and broaden Jewish life a special Committee has come together and constructed an E ruv in the East Valley.

The Eruv Committee

 Shoshi Shachar   | President


Gail Budin  | Treasurer




With gratitude to Hashem, we announce that the Chandler Eruv is completed and ready for use!

Construction was completed by a group of volunteers and professionals. Kashrus was supervised by Rabbi Spitz of the Miami Eruv. The cities of Chandler and Tempe, and the town of Guadalupe have signed proclamations accepting the Eruv and renting the Jewish community the rights to carry on Shabbos and other days when it would otherwise be forbidden. The Eruv Chatseiros was completed, symbolizing the coming together of the community within the Eruv.

The walls of the Eruv have been checked and are intact for this Shabbos / Yom Kippur. This checking must be done every week before the Eruv is considered kosher for the following Shabbos. If there is a problem with the Eruv that can not be repaired in time, the Eruv will not be used for that Shabbos- the community may not carry outside the home if this is the case.

If you are interested in being part of the Eruv committee to join the rotation to check the Eruv or to receive weekly emails for updates on whether the Eruv is up or down, please email the Eruv Committee here.

Please visit and like our Facebook page Chandler Eruv Project to view pictures and see updates!!

To learn more about an Eruv click here.