Printable Mail Form

Thank you for your interest in supporting Chabad of the East Valley! Your support makes you an important partner in our vital task of strengthening Jewish identity, unity and commitment.

Please make out your check to Chabad of the East Valley and send it to:


Chabad of the East Valley
875 North McClintock Drive
Chandler, AZ 85226

If you'd like to give us more specific information or would like to give us your credit card information by mail, please print and fill out the form below and send it to the same address.

Thank you very much!

Rabbi Mendy Deitsch 
Director, Chabad of the East

Payment Method:

   Enclosed is my check
   Please charge my credit or debit card account using the information provided below.

I'm happy to make a tax-deductible contribution to Chabad of the East Valley, in the amount of:  

   $18 Chai        $36 Double Chai     $54 Triple Chai    $72 Associate  

   $150 Friend    $180 Sponsor        $360 Patron        $500 Benefactor  
   $1000 Partner  $1800 Chai Partner  $2500 Partner  Other _________

  MasterCard    VISA     American Express 

Card Number:  _______-________-________-________ Exp. (mm/yy) ____/____

 Please contact me to set up a meeting

Your First & Last Name: ______________________________________
Address: ______________________________________
City, State, Zip: ______________________________________
(if outside U.S.A.)
E-Mail address: ______________________________________
Daytime Phone: (____)______________________
Evening Phone: (____)______________________

If you would you like this gift to be a tribute, please answer the following:


This gift is...
   In Memory of
   In Honor of

To Mark a Special Occasion: 
   Bar/Bat Mitzvah
   Other _____________

Honoree's Name:


To have notification card(s) sent, please complete the following.

I would like a notification card without the gift amount mailed to:

Name: ______________________________________
Address: ______________________________________
City, State, Zip: ______________________________________
Country (if outside U.S.A.): ______________________________________
From (Your name as you would like it to appear on the card): ______________________________________

I would like a second notification card without the gift amount mailed to:

Name: ______________________________________
Address: ______________________________________
City, State, Zip: ______________________________________
Country (if outside U.S.A.): ______________________________________
From (Your name as you would like it to appear on the card): ______________________________________